
HAZOP, HAZID & DR workshop

HAZOP (HAZard & OPerability)

The objective of the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)  review is to identify potential hazards and operating problems associated with the Project. All possible deviations from normal operating conditions shall be examined in detail and their reasons and consequences shall be assessed.

HAZOP Study will be performed as directed by the size or complexity of the project, in accordance with PR-1696.

HAZOP will typically involve a multidisciplinary team, consisting Operations, Process, C&A and Technical Safety as a mandatory core (from Client and Contractor side, except for Operations). Other disciplines should be considered on a case by case basis. HAZOP discussions shall be recorded.

The purpose and achievements of the HAZOP meeting are as follows:

  • Identify all significant hazards affecting the safety of personnel and the facilities.
  • Identify the means of protection and mitigation for each identified hazard.
  • Review the operability of the facilities provided by this project.
  • Review the adequacy of the protection and mitigation. Where not sufficient, recommend action to reduce the risk as low as is reasonably practicable.
  • Record findings of the study.

Documents required to carry out HAZOP will be readily available beforehand. Prior HAZOP workshop, a ‘Terms of Reference’ will be prepared and distributed to the team members anticipated to participate in the HAZOP Workshop.

The responsible parties for HAZOP action points/ recommendations close out will be identified and made available in the HAZOP report.

HAZID (Hazard Identification)

HAZID (Hazard Identification) study is a structured brainstorming technique for identification of potential hazards and threats in the Opportunity Realization Phases (ORP), using a multi-disciplined & experienced review team and document their effects on people, assets, environment and reputation.

The HAZID is carried out as per PDO Procedure, PR-1971 HAZID Procedures. The objective of this HAZID is to;

  • Identify the HSE hazards and threats that can be ascertained at the current level of design maturity;
  • Assess the likelihood of these hazards being realized and the consequences using the PDO Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM); and
  • Identify any actions required to eliminate or further reduce the risk associated with these hazards to an acceptable level (ALARP).

The outcome of the HAZID assessment during HAZID workshop will be documented in the HAZID worksheets. The responsible parties for HAZID recommendations close out will be identified and made available in the HAZID report.

Design Review

Design Review workshop for a project is performed in order to demonstrate compliance with project scope and applicable safety standards.

The intent of the Design Review workshop is to undertake a multi-disciplinary team review of the design of the Project facilities, in particular to

  • Ensure that the produced documents are in line with the project scope of work,
  • Ensure that all applicable standards were incorporated in the documents and/or appropriate variances were raised,
  • Ensure that the design is inherently safe, achievable, able to be constructed, operable and maintainable to meet PDO requirements,
  • Ensure that all disciplines are aligned and that the required interfaces are in place,
  • Define any actions required to be resolved in order to ensure compliance with SOW and company standards.

The design review will be carried out in line with PDO PR-2059 - Process System Design Review.

Minutes for the complete DR meeting will be noted in the form of MOM under the direction of the DR facilitator. The responsible parties for design review study recommendations close out will be identified and made available in the DR report.

Elixir Engineering

Elixir Engineering is a multi-disciplinary Engineering services company.
With our strong technical team, we have proven to be effective for our Clients.
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